Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Google Webmaster Guidelines

Google Webmaster Guidelines - The number of search engines on internet is so numerous, thousands or perhaps tens of thousands. Does our blog need to optimize to all search engines? Even Kang Rohman himself focus on Google only as the biggest search engine.

Why should focus on one search engine only, and not to all search engines? Because each search engines has algorithm itself. Just wasting time to understand the character of each search enginesbecause it need long time to do.

Why should pay attention on Google and not others such as Yahoo or Bing? This is only an option, if you want to focus on Yahoo optimization, go on, if you want to focus on Bing optimization, go ahead.

What Is Google Webmaster Guidelines

Google prefers users with rules of the game. In this case, Google has provided specifically page contains the direction for the webmaster, what to do and what not to do.

This page named Webmaster Guidelines.

To visit the Webmaster Guidelines, please go to:

There are lot of reliable informations which Google made itself, so read carefully all the guidelines they have wrote so you don’t get any trouble with Google in future.

Create Internal Links n Each Post

In my post this time is with the theme of tricks blog today, we will discuss about Internal Links on Every Post. These posts are not intended to make it and do not understand about internal links. 

What is Internal Links? 

Internal link is a link (link) who are at a page from your website that lead to the pages of the website itself or go to another web page.Maybe you never see him when I read an article. The goal is to make it easier for visitors to explore your website in a web page. If you want to pamper your visitors, then there is no harm in you notice about this internal link. 

What Uses Internal Links? 

Of course, the benefits that most feel is easier for visitors to explore our website a web page. You certainly know if you read an article then shifts to the bottom of the page, of course, the menus at the top will be lost right? well with the existence of these internal links allow visitors to return to the top page or certain sections of the website page. 

Other function is to shorten the search in a particular part of the web page or jump, let's say you already understand or know the first chapter, then you can go directly to the second chapter and so on.See also the explanation of internal links in the previous article. 

How To Create Internal Links? 

One way to make the internal links on the blog is to add a bit of code that will be that link in every page. Its function is similar in function to the hosting wordpress tags that will appear in each post according to the blog title. Examples like my blog, at each end of its news saying "Thank you for reading this article: (article title)" is one example of internal links on the pages of posts and this time we will learn how to make it. 

Intending to make Internal Link in Any posts like this blog? Follow the steps below: 
1. Login into blogger. 
2. Go to the menu design, and edit the HTML. 
3. Check Expand Widget Templates. 
4. Find <data:post.body/> code, then place the code below APPROPRIATE below: 
Thank you for reading the article: <a expr:href='' expr:title='data:post.title'> <data:post.title/></ a> 
5. Save, see the results! 

Well that's presumably How to Create Internal Links on Every Post.You can be the creation words "Thank you for reading the article" according to your individual tastes. May be useful

Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This paper describes the basics of SEO. To master the SEO it helps you understand the basics of SEO. This paper I got from fellowblogger, then I translate into English. Please read : 

As Kang Rohman wrote in the previous that Blogspot Tutorial will be focused to study SEO (Search Engine Optimization) especially for bloggers/ BlogSpot users. I just want to skim someone’s opinions out there that blogger engine is not SEO friendly, it certainly not true because all get back to the engine users itself, whether to use blogger, Wordpress, Drupal, etc. If you didn’t understand how to apply various SEO techniques on the engine you used, it just a big zero.

Previously, Kang Rohman wants to instill the basic concepts of SEO that you should to remember, there are among others:
  1. Natural and think like human being
  2. Search engine indexes the blog content
  3. SEO is a competition
  4. SEO techniques is not only one
  5. Natural And Thinking Like Human Being

In research, there are similarities in pattern of thinking between search engine and human being, perhaps it because the programmer of search engine is indeed human being. Here are a few:

Search engine prefers blogs with original posting. In real world, other people’s act of piracy is consider unpleasant and it’s against all aspects of community, as well as search engine itself, it refers blogs with original contents than those with other blogs copied from another resources or in other word copy paste.
Don’t like to be deceived. In SEO there is term named Black Hat SEO, that is SEO optimize which applies search engine deception technique for examples hidden text, hidden link, keyword repetition, etc. which basically are deception techniques, and some of techniques that are not desirable by the search engine.
Glad to informative blogs. Many people pay attention to others just because the others often to put forward some useful information, as well as personal or especially for public. Search engine is the same.
Do not like excessive. Only few peoples who like overact behavior, as well as search engine it doesn’t like overload blogs.

Like the recommended blogs by many parties. Search engine would like the recommendation, in this case is given a backlink by other blogs. Backlink in blogosphere is like recommendation or endorsement.
And many others

Search Engine Indexes The Blogs Content

All you have to bear in SEO that is search engine indexes the entire contents in our blog and as the search engine consideration to prioritized your blog position.

Maybe you have heard of SEO tips before in choosing a domain name , at least one keyword from your blog’s main topic, the post tittle should contain the target keyword, the first paragraph should contain the target keyword. Or maybe you have heard about “Content Is the King”, it’s not apart from the search engine has indexes what you have provide in blog and forward it in search engine.

An illustration, I tried to write the “Blogspot Tutorial” keyword in Google search engine, and here are the results:

Change The Template For Blogger Beginner

At this opportunity, I will discuss about how to change template in First matter to be in considering in changing template is you have to make a backing up your old template, this good for if you feeling not match with your newly template. if you not yet known the way to back up template, please read at the post how to backup template, and also don't forget to back up your widgets (this is very important). For back up your widgets, please read at the post how to backup your widgets. 

To change the template, of course you must had a new template to uploaded. If still not yet had, you can download for free template at Bloger templates or at other sites. Have ready for changing your old template with newly template? Please follow the steps below : 

1. Login to blogger with your ID
2. After entering the dasboard page , click Layout.
3. Then click edit HTML tab
4. Click the Download full template link. Save your template:
5. Click browse... button. Choose your new template. and then click Upload button.

Usually go out commemoration that your data in your widgets will be delete forever (so don't forget tobackup your widgets).
For example, the image will show like this : 

6. Click at Convirm & Save button.
7. Finish. Please look he result.

Now you have had the new face. However of course your template is still empty, So next step is inserting your widgets manually through page element menu. 
Enjoy your new blog face.